How To Evolve Nincada Into Shedinja (2025)

1. How to Get Shedinja: 5 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

  • Raise Nincada to at least Level 20. This is the first level that Nincada will attempt to evolve into Ninjask. Make sure that you meet both the space and Poké ...

  • Shedinja is a mysterious Pokémon that floats motionless in the air with a halo on its head. It only has 1 HP, but cannot be hit by the majority of attacks in the game. Obtaining a Shedinja requires evolving a Nincada and meeting a few...

2. Shedinja - Pokemon Sword and Shield Guide - IGN

  • 7 dec 2019 · Nincada can evolve into Nijask when it reaches level 20. If you have an open slot in your party, and have an extra Pokeball in your bag, a level ...

  • Shedinja returns in Pokemon Sword and Shield. This page contains Shedinja's Garlarian Pokedex information about it's location, stats, and

3. Shedinja - Pokemon X and Y Guide - IGN

4. Shedinja (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia

  • Evolution. When Nincada evolves into Ninjask, it can also evolve into Shedinja simultaneously, which appears in an empty Poké Ball. (For specifics on this ...

  • Pokémon

5. Evolve Nincada (2020) - General Support - Pokemon Revolution Online

  • 21 nov 2020 · Nincada will evolve to Ninjask and Shedinja will additionally appear in your team, with the ability Wonder Guard. Let me know if this has ...

  • Hi guys, I'm trying to evolve Nincada into a Shedinja. I left one space empty in my team but Nincada tried to evolve into Ninjask anyways. I don't know what to do now (I obviously refused the evolution). Morover I hope that Shedinja's Wonder Guard works (it's the reason I'm doing this all thing)....

6. How to Evolve Nincada into Shedinja in Pokémon GO - Playbite

  • 10 mrt 2024 · The Short Answer to Evolving Nincada. To get a Shedinja in Pokémon GO, you first need a Nincada. Then, when you evolve Nincada into Ninjask ...

  • Wondering how to evolve Nincada into Shedinja in Pokémon GO? Discover the simple steps to unlock this mysterious Pokémon and learn how Playbite can help.

7. How to get Shedinja :: Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald Pokémon - PKMN.NET

  • Shedinja appears when you evolve Nincada into Ninjask, providing that there is a Pokeball of some sort in your backpack and a space in your party, you will get ...

  • PKMN.NET is one of the largest Europe-based pokemon sites filled with not only plain information, but also other features to make life online that bit more interesting

8. How to Get Shedinja in Pokemon GO - Escapist Magazine

  • 16 apr 2024 · However, evolving Shedinja doesn't work this way in Pokemon GO. In fact, there is currently no way to evolve your Nincada into a Shedinja in the ...

  • You can get Shedinja in Pokemon GO, but probably not in the way you expect

How To Evolve Nincada Into Shedinja (2025)


How To Evolve Nincada Into Shedinja? ›

This is what gives Shedinja its dual bug and ghost typing. Going along with this theme, Shedinja can be obtained in the mainline Pokemon games by evolving Nincada while the player has an extra empty Pokeball and an extra empty slot in their party. This will allow Shedinja to appear from Ninjask's presumed old shell.

How to evolve Ninjask into Shedinja Emerald? ›

Accepted Answer. When you level up Nincada to evolve it into a Ninjask (possible starting from Level 20), you need to have a free slot in your party*; then, Shedinja will appear after the evolution process is completed.

How to evolve a Ninjask? ›

It evolves from Nincada starting at level 20. This evolution can trigger the creation of a second Pokémon, Shedinja, if the player has an empty slot in their party and an extra Poké Ball on hand.

How does Shedinja evolve in Pokemon go? ›

To get a Shedinja in Pokémon GO, you first need a Nincada. Then, when you evolve Nincada into Ninjask using 50 Nincada Candy, a Shedinja will magically appear in your inventory, provided you have an extra Pokémon storage space! This unique method of evolution captures the spirit of Shedinja's mysterious nature.

What level does Nincada evolve at? ›

Nincada's evolution is a very unusual one. If you reach level 20, Nincada will evolve into Ninjask. However, if you reach level 20, have an extra slot in your party, and have a Poke Ball in your bag (must be an average Poke Ball, not a Great Ball or Ultra Ball), then you will get both a Ninjask and Shedinja.

Can you evolve Nincada into Shedinja? ›

Going along with this theme, Shedinja can be obtained in the mainline Pokemon games by evolving Nincada while the player has an extra empty Pokeball and an extra empty slot in their party. This will allow Shedinja to appear from Ninjask's presumed old shell.

Is Shedinja stronger than Ninjask? ›

Shedinja is definitely better, if you know how to use it properly. Ninjask I found has fantastic stats, but its learnset is horrible, and its ability is useless--pretty much just raising the ridiculously high speed stat it already has.

Is Shedinja a dead Ninjask? ›

According to Pokedex entries found on Bulbapedia, Shedinja is created when a Nincada evolves into a Ninjask. During this process, the creature apparently molts from its old exoskeleton and leaves behind an empty husk. And for some reason, this dead pile of skin reanimates and becomes a creature.

Why does Shedinja have 1 HP? ›

No matter how much a Shedinja is trained, its HP always stays at one because of its special ability, Wonder Guard which allows it to take no damage, except from super effective moves.

Is Ninjask the fastest? ›

Overview. Ninjask distinguishes itself for only one thing: Speed. Its base Speed of 160 makes it the second fastest Pokémon in the game without any boost, only after Sphericoil, which compensates due to its access to Speed Boost as ability.

Why is Shedinja weak? ›

Its shell is very hard, which gives it strong defense but renders it incapable of movement. It does not breathe and floats without moving its wings.

Why is Shedinja so powerful? ›

Due to how Shedinja can singlehandedly remove offensive counterplay and generally bug common offense teams, it finds a strong niche on certain stall teams.

What is super effective against Shedinja? ›

Shedinja is a unique Pokémon known for its distinctive ability, Wonder Guard, which allows it to be immune to all damaging moves that are not super effective against it. As a result, Shedinja can only be damaged by moves that are super effective, such as those of the Ghost, Dark, Fire, Flying, and Rock types.

What does Skitty evolve from? ›

Skitty (Japanese: エネコ Eneco) is a Normal-type Pokémon introduced in Generation III. It evolves into Delcatty when exposed to a Moon Stone.

What type is a poochyena? ›

Poochyena is a Dark-type Pokémon. It evolves into Mightyena starting at level 18.

How do you get the sword dance in Shedinja Emerald? ›

Train Nincada to level 25, then evolve it. Right after its evolution into a Ninjask, it will learn Swords Dance. Allow it to learn it forget another move. Then check your party and you will see Ninjask and Shedinja with Sword Dance.

Is Shedinja or Ninjask better in emerald? ›

Have both,ninjask if fast and shedinja is hard to kill. Ninjask is better alone, but if you are in double battle and using a sabalye that knows skill swap put shedinja in and use skill swap on it, you can be beat.

Does Shedinja have Wonder Guard in Pokemon Emerald? ›

Wonder Guard (ability)

Wonder Guard prevents damage from direct attacks unless they are super-effective. Shedinja is the only Pokémon to have this ability so this means that only Fire, Flying, Rock, Ghost and Dark moves will have an effect.

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